
Buffalo and Beyond

In the most serendipitous way the first chapter of, Across an Inland Sea: Writing in Place from Buffalo to Berlin (2003) by Nicholas Howe appeared in my inbox over the weekend. That link will take you to the full text of Howe's first chapter, Buffalo and Beyond. Howe's writing is perhaps the most meditative, mythical and at times poignant account of Buffalo, the influences that have created some of the most amazing and breathtaking moments in our path - both past and present. Part of this blogging has always been a way for me to understand this place. Howe's writing helps.

I've added the full text of Howe's first chapter - here, pdf file - to a collection of works that I've previously called, Writing the City. Stuff you should know if you know Buffalo.

Nicholas Howe passed away last year. His father, Irving Howe created and edited Dissent Magazine. Good read.

fixBuffalo photos • citylab • shrinking cities • americansuburbX  copenhagenize 
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Neither loving nor mocking. No allusions, to be sure.